Little B.

Thought I might take a minute to write about Braeden, seeing as he is just so gorgeous. He is now 16 months old, which is hard to believe!
Ryley is still sick and has stayed home again today from school and this has totally thrown Braeden. This morning Braeden brought out Ryley's schoolbag for me, only to be told that we didn't need it today.
Braeden was obviously upset that he would have to 'share' me again, but he tried to make the most of it, even going and laying next to Ryley an cuddling him. So beautiful.

Every day we marvel at the things Braeden learns and achieves. It all seems so fast, and we truly think that if we blinked we would miss the amazing things he does. I know that neurotypical kids all develop in this way, but we are used to slow progress, so it makes it so special to be able to really watch Braeden as he learns.

The thing with Braeden is that he thinks he is older and bigger than he is (so true of most kids!). I always thought that having a brother who has a disability would mean that Braeden might be a little slower too.
If anything he is faster at achieving everything. Being able to have the one on one time with him two days a week probably helps. We spend our days together just playing and discovering things. It never ceases to amaze me how little things are so very interesting!

Little B (or Brae Brae) is just the most clever, beautiful, kind, cheeky and naughty kid (not that I am bias or anything ;)) We are so glad he chose our family.


  1. It is wonderful to see you finding so much joy in everything Little B does. We are all lucky to have him and his big brother as part of our family. They are both gorgeous boys. Beautiful photos too. :))


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