The things I long for..#4003

I love to read.
Both my boys love to read.
In fact I caught Braeden sitting very quietly on the couch the other morning reading Spot Goes to the Farm.
At the moment, I am craving being able to sit down and read a good book. Something other than a Spot book, or a Mem Fox book or something with cars and trucks. It has been so long since I have managed to find the time to emerse myself in some Australian History, or the true story of someone who has had an amazing life.
I miss it. I truly miss that feeling of not being able to put something down, of not being able to wait until bedtime to pick up where I left off.

I guess someday I will manage to find the time again.
Until then, I guess it is tales of The Magic Hat, Where is the Green Sheep and Wombat Stew, with some Spot Adventures thrown in...and every now and then, when I am lucky and Ryley forgets about his schedule of books he will read, we get to read Bob Has New Boots...

I should be grateful I guess that the only time both my boys will sit down and stay still and concentrate forever is when we are reading books (and when Playschool is on). I wonder if they would notice if I started to read a bit of Henry Lawson to them?


  1. If you come at the weekend I have some books I can give you. Of course finding time to read them is another matter!


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