Things I love today

-My Saturday morning sleep-in. My beautiful husband hasn't had a sleep-in for years, but because I am up through the night to Braeden, he figures I need an extra hour or so on a Saturday morning. No wonder I love that man!

-Listening to Ryley stomp stomp stomp through the house, as he moves from looking out the window, to his bedroom, to the back door. I never thought I would hear that sound, and it truly is music to my ears!

-Listening to Braeden dragging a chair from one end of the house to the other so he can climb up and open the door to get into me. That kid has such amazing problem-solving skills. It is a bit scary really!

-Coffee. Having it brought to me on a Saturday morning is just so nice.

-Quiet. I love that David takes the boys out for a couple of hours on a Saturday morning so that I can clean the house without them 'helping'.

-Holidays. I am now just about completely organised for our holiday away and I can't wait for our road trip!! So much of Australia to see!

Aaaah Saturday.
Now to finish my coffee, read the paper and then clean the house!


  1. I love your second one! That gets me excited... I pray that I hear Norrah's stomping soon too!


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