All Clear

Good News is that Ryley's chest x-ray came back all clear!! YAY!! So we haven't got antibiotics...yet! He vomited again last night from coughing so much and he is still fairly miserable today, but at least we know with rest, fluids and cuddles (and playschool) he will be fine!

Maybe it would help if we had some weather that was more than 10 degrees.
Think it might have to be a PJ day today seeing as neither of the boys want to get dressed.


  1. I'm glad the x-ray was clear. The pyjama day sounds like a great idea - I hope he is feeling better soon.

  2. PJ Days are great... enjoy!!!

  3. That is great news that it was all clear.I will try and give you a call later mate.give Ryley a big hug from



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