Breastfeeding and Me
This week one of my friends was verbally attacked on Facebook. It disturbed me greatly. Her response was well thought out and concise and far more diplomatic than I would have been. I admire her for that. But it has led me to write this post. It is about my breastfeeding journey. It explains why I will never let anyone belittle me for being proud of breastfeeding. It will explain why I will always seek to support and educate women. I couldn't breastfeed Ryley. After a traumatic birth, in which I was sent to recovery for 2 hours and he was sent who knows where (up to the ward with my parents I think), Ryley wasn't interested in feeding. Oh he must be just sleepy, nevermind, lets get some of your colostrum anyway and we will try again later. OK. So it's not my fault then? Phew. I then got milked by the nurses. Every 3 hours. I was told that I wasn't attaching him right. I was getting too upset, which made him upset. We had better give him some formula. OK. So n...