Can't keep up

This posting every day thing has been really hard this week.
As you may remember from my Monday post (or was it Tuesday, can't remember), David's Dad had a heart attack. He has been in hospital ever since and only today has been taken down to Geelong Hospital so that they can attempt to put a stent in, or, if that fails, it will be another bypass.
So Nanna has stayed here all week and we have just got back from taking her down to Geelong.
It has been a massive week.

So I am sorry, but tonight's post is going to be pretty boring really. I am utterly exhausted and am going to have a shower and watch something crap on tv.

I will endeavour to be more interesting tomorrow!!


  1. Hope you had a long hot shower, pour yourself a BIG wine, sit back and enjoy your trash tv... Pour David a BIG beer too. Thinking of you x

  2. Oh what pressure LOL! I couldn't do it (so I didn't ha ha) Hope you have a relaxed evening xo

  3. Hey Anna,

    You are always interesting. I hope things go well with Poppa's (I think that's the boys call him) surgery.

    Sleep well.

  4. I'm so impressed with all your posts!! Thinking of you, your father-in-law and your family.

  5. Mel- I had a shower and went to bed! Couldn't keep my eyes open!!
    Kirrily- I may never do this again!!!
    E.-Thanks so much. His surgery is now not until Monday, so we have the weekend to get through!
    Hilary- Thank you!! Hope you guys are all well xx


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