So this will be interesting

I was having a read of E.'s blog over at Whining at the world and she wrote about doing this thing called NaBloPoMo which is basically National Blog Posting Month which is hosted here. So I thought that I would join up, hence the fancy little picture in the top right hand corner .

I had a whole post written in my head this morning.
Now I can't remember a single bit of what I had 'written'.
So you are stuck reading some fluffy facts.

Braeden can say his full name now and it is so cute.

Ryley decided to sit on top of the couch this morning for some reason. He was very proud of himself too just quietly.

There is still no sign of Spring here, even though it is officially summer in 4 weeks (Um? Love the rain, but the coldness...had enough thanks!).

I am yet to do any exercise after my being sick for what felt like forever. So am not even a single bit closer to my running goal.

David got 3 doors for free today (without a single mark on them) which has saved us $150 apparently, so he is exceedingly proud of himself (no, he didn't steal them, just talked to the right person at Dahlsens).

Ok. That's enough boring stuff from me.

Tomorrow will be full of non-boring facts.


  1. Another NaBloPoMo-er. Hurray. Thansk for joining me and the plug too. :)


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