A mini-break

It is finally coming up to the last week of school holidays, and I am looking forward to school going back. These holidays haven't been as bad as usual (I even braved places like the Fairy Park and Werribee Zoo on my own with just the kids), but I am craving routine, and I know my kids are as well. There is something very comforting about the routines of the school year. Does that make me sad? I keep reading and hearing about how much people have enjoyed their holidays with their kids and how they never want them to end, and I just kind of shrink back and smile pathetically (or is that sympathetically?) and move far far away (to my happy place). Ryley is ready to be with his mates again. He is over his parents and little brother. Especially since the little brother has assumed the position of Ryley's voice, and therefore, much to Ryley's amusement, talking for him, picking his clothes, and assigning toys. Bit like a PA really. Braeden will work out soon enough that Ry...