Happy Australia Day!
For the overseas readers, this is basically a day where we don't go to work, cook a BBQ (and eat sausages or lamb), drink a fair amount of alcohol and wave our Aussie flags.
We personally tend not to do much other than have a Barbie, or catch up with some friends. We have never been into going out amongst the drunken crowds to watch the fireworks. Not really my idea of fun.
This year has been no different. Some friends dropped in and we had a quiet beer, but that's about it.

I am glad we live in Australia, but I think most people forget that technically we 'stole' this land from the aborigines, so I'm not really sure what we are celebrating. But anyway. I can't wait until we are rich and we can buy the outback station I have been dreaming of (which is in the middle of Australia in case you are wondering). To me, the open plains is where the real Australia is. I don't like the City much, despite enjoying the shopping and the atmosphere of certain places. Even Ballarat is starting to feel too big for me.
But we can't move yet.


  1. Happy Australia Day! I LOVE the pictures. Australia has always been on my "want to see before I die" list, but looking at your pictures and reading your blog made it move higher on my list!

  2. We have some absolutely beautiful untouched country here. We love exploring Australia. Definitely make it one of your places to visit!!


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