Saldu Dusu (Sweet Dreams)

It has taken me 3 days to be able to sit down and write this. Three days filled with memories, sadness and finally a sense of peace. My grandmother, or Ma as we called her, entered eternal life Sunday morning. She was 88 years old and had only been diagnosed with ovarian cancer on Wednesday. She had wanted to die for many many years. It became even harder for her when my grandpa died 3 years ago. My grandmother was a refugee. Her and my grandpa came to Australia from war-torn Latvia on a boat. They came to Australia in the hope of making a better life for themselves. Whilst living in nothing more than a tent in the refugee camps of Uranquinty NSW, my father was born. My grandpa had to work in Sydney, so my grandma spent a lot of time on her own in an unfamiliar country, without knowing much english. Can you even imagine it? They eventually moved to Victoria, and made their home in Heidelberg West, where they lived until they became too ill and frail to live an...