Yeah alright.
I better post ey?

What's news?
Well. Nothing much really.
I wrote a couple of draft posts, but decided not to publish them yet.
No idea why.
Just feeling a bit concious about what I am writing on here.
I don't have any reason to be feeling like that. Just feel like I am going through a kind of renewal period and I just don't feel happy with what I have written.

Speaking of renewal periods (what the hell are they anyway?).
After my massive traumatic plane experience (notice how dramatic it has gotten in the last week), I kind of feel like I need to reprioritise or something.
Aside from the fact I probably need a dose of CBT in regards to plane flying, I could also do with a day at a day spa or something similar. Only in order myself?!
Not really.
A few glasses of champers did the trick.
In all seriousness though, maybe it is the Supermoon that appeared this week. I know I am not the only one who feels a bit like they are stuck between the old and the new. Part of me is searching for something. I am not sure what it is either.
A new job? Some more study? A new house? Nope, none of them I don't think.
Just something.

When I find it, I will get back to you alright?
Until then.
I am off for a run.
Or an attempt at a run. I have got new runners, so therefore, I should be able to just run my 6kms no worries.
You can all stop laughing now.


  1. I am sorry you feel blah! Though I can totally relate. I feel like I have been just stuck in the same spot for months, but I fixed it this week...signed up to go back to college in may.

  2. So glad to hear you found your solution!! What will you be studying? I am starting to think a new hairdo and some shopping for clothes. That might keep me going for a while!!


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