Good Friday Appeal

I write a post every year about what the Good Friday Appeal means to us. And this year will be no different.
As regular followers of the blog know, we spend a lot of time down at the Children's.
It is very much a second home to us.
Ryley is a fairly well recognised child down there, which is not neccessarily a good thing!

The thing that I tend to always write about is how fantastic the medical practitioners are down there. The nursing staff are mostly exceptional. Without our team, Ryley wouldn't be where he is today.

I appreciate that it is impossible to donate to everything. But even $1 will help make a difference to fund more equipment and research so that the hospital can continue to save lives and improve the quality of life of those with complex medical issues and disabilities.

It is also a pretty good place to socialise (!!) Nearly everytime I am down there I am catching up with friends over coffee. The place is just comfortable. There is often so much pain, sickness and emotion inside those wards. But there is also hope, comfort and love.

So, please, dig deep and give if you can.


  1. Agree totally with you Anna... Love the RCH and love catching up when you are there...


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