3 little pigs

 This weekend we welcomed our three little pigs to Rybrae Farm.
Sticks, Brick and Straw (ever-so-aptly named by Braeden) love their new home and have already started digging up the soil.

The kids LOVED sitting down and watching them eat and grunt and squeal.

They are fascinating creatures and I adore their ears.

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  1. Replies
    1. I could sit and watch them all day. Love the way they use their snouts to push the dirt around.

  2. Spent time on a pig farm as a young girl. Have absolutely loved pigs ever since!

    1. I am new to pigs I have to say. I know a lot about sheep and horses, but we are learning about pigs. They are so interesting.

  3. Toller is very jealous. He loves pigs! I love the names!

    1. Tell Toller you will just have to come to Australia then to see them!!!


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