In Real Life

I have been a bit quiet here on my blog lately and there are a couple of reasons.

1. I am constantly tired lately. I suffered two migraines last week, one severe enough to warrant a visit to the hospital (Blergh). I need a break. I need sleep. Only two more weeks until school holidays, which I am both dreading and looking forward to. I can't wait for the time off. I can't wait to catch up with my people (you should all know who you are). I am only really dreading the thought of having to keep Ryley entertained everyday. But the sleep ins and no rushing part, is something I am looking forward to.

2. I am busy working on the Rybrae Farm concept at the moment and planning is the key right now. It all might still be years away, but the project must keep evolving. So what little space left in my brain is being consumed by plans and dreams.

So, as usual, when life becomes crazy busy, my blogging is the first thing to go.
Winter is a particularly hard time for us too because we seem to always be teetering on the edge of illness. Life becomes a delicate balance of keeping Ryley well and preventing the dreaded pneumonia. So far, so good, but it is a neverending battle. We don't want to wrap him completely up in cotton wool, but we do have to be smart about keeping him healthy too.

Braeden is Braeden and continues to amaze me with his understanding of life. He was 'reading' old encyclopaedia's the other day.
As you do.
He told me he wants to fly to the moon one day, but first he will have to build a rocket ship.
I love how at this age, anything is possible.
When do we lose that ability to reach for the stars?

Here in real life, we just keep plodding along.
Nothing changes, and nothing stays the same.


  1. Anna, as usual - I can relate to everything you say. I was wondering where you were but as soon as you mention tiredness, illness, overloaded brain it all makes sense. I, too, am looking forward to the impending July break. It's not like we're going to get a break - but the change of routine is always refreshing and the absence of a morning alarm is welcome relief. It's easy to overdo things and our bodies do start to crack. Lack of sleep is our worst enemy I think. There's always too much to do. It would be nice if we had a bit more to look forward to.

    1. Marcelle, you hit the nail on the head when you said it is more about the change in routine! We tend to still be up early, but at least there is no pressure to be ready in time for the bus/kinder/work!! Lack of sleep is just the norm isn't it?!! I do hope you have a lovely break. We all need it!!

  2. I sometimes find great comfort in "nothing changes and nothing stays the same"...without a roller coaster life, things almost seem manageable...note the "almost"..

  3. Hi Anna,
    I hope the migraine has completely left you alone. I had a hospital visit with one this year. Not a pleasant experience but the meds were good.
    I hope you can all stay well.

    1. Thanks E. Sorry to hear you too have to suffer with migraines. They are just awful aren't they?

  4. I am hoping the migraines have left you and that Ryley stays well. I also am hoping you get some rest. Sending love to you my friend.

    1. Thanks Hilary. Am fine now! Thanks for thinking of me xox


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