The dangers of indoor play centres

Who would have thought the real danger in these centres was your own kids?


  1. Look like the boys are having great least you can be grateful the projectiles are soft balls and not hard rocks!!

  2. The boys did have a great time. I am most grateful that the balls were soft, although when they hit you in the face with some force, it does tend to sting a little!!

  3. Hi Anna! Lovely to catch up with your via blOgging x love the action shot. I spent Friday & Saturday with pep at play centre parties and gee independent mobility makes a big difference to my back! ;) hope you are well x

    1. I am so glad you are back blogging again Bron!! Love your updates about your gorgeous family x

  4. Love the photo. I hope the three of you had a good time.

    1. We had a great time. It was for my neices birthday party. The kids loved playing with their cousins.


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