30 days of Thankfulness-Day 2

Today I am thankful for this kid.
I am certain he will appear again in some form over the next 30 days, but for now, here he is on day 2.

He had his first school transition morning at school today and he absolutely loved it!
I am thankful that he is such an outgoing and social kid who can make friends easily.
I am thankful that despite telling me he might feel shy, he didn't appear anxious at all (although I was a little nervous..)

I am thankful that we have found an amazing school that is going to give him the confidence he needs in life, as well as continue to develop his passion for learning.
Apart from the fact that they have sheep, chickens, rabbits and a well established vegetable garden, they also encourage all the kids to join a group. One of these groups is a 'social justice' group. Now as a social worker, this is just the kind of group I secretly hope he joins...!!!!

Education has changed so much since I went to school.
Braeden's school is the only school in Ballarat that is a registered Reggio Emilia school. We love the approach and feel it best fits in with our values.

Very thankful we have a school like this for Braeden to go to!


  1. Love the pic! That school sounds great - wow I can't believe both your boys will be in big school next year!!

  2. Thrilled you found the perfect setting for B x sounds smooth and easy like it should be xxx

    1. I think I found the process of looking for schools for Braeden so much harder than with Ryley. Funny isn't it?!

  3. When you find the right environment for your children that encompasses all the values that you want to instill and offers them a place that you feel comfortable and safe with - it is such a great feeling! I found that this year with the Scosa Hub that Royce and Chantel attend. I feel really thankful that they are part of such a wonderful place.

    1. You are right Marcelle! It is a great feeling when you feel comfortable with the schools. Plus both the kids are comfortable too, which is probably the most important part really! Glad you have found that great environment for Royce and Chantel too!

  4. Replies
    1. He is a bit cute isn't he. But I am bias of course!!!

    2. I agree - definitely super cute!!


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