30 Days of Thankfulness-Day 20

Well now.

What am I thankful for today?
Perhaps I am thankful that it has been a run-of-the-mill type day, where nothing out of the ordinary happened.
Perhaps I am thankful for being able to squeeze in my fruit and veg shopping in my lunch break.
Perhaps I am thankful for having access to fresh food.
Perhaps I am thankful that I am nearly through November, which has been the busiest month of the year. Not long to go and I will be all about Christmas.

And maybe, just maybe, I am thankful for normal, boring routines that create a sense of calm (blue ocean calm).


  1. Oh how i wish i was at that beach right about now with a body that could pull off a bikini for that matter! ;) hooray for a simple day!

  2. An uneventful day is always good :)


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