30 Days of Thankfulness-Day 29

Holy McCrackens I have actually nearly made it through a whole month of posting every day (almost!).

I have to admit that I have lost my passion for blogging a bit this year.
And I was kind of hoping that posting every day for a month might inspire me to star writing again.
It has and it hasn't.

I am not really sure whether or not this blog will continue next year.

Today I am thankful our house has air conditioning. It has been an extremely hot day here (broken some records even), so thankfully we have lovely air-con and fans.

I am thankful that my application for 6 weeks holidays was APPROVED today!!! I have never taken that long off in one go, so am extremely excited (and perhaps a little daunted).

I am thankful that it is Thursday. I love Thursdays (mainly because I usually get takeaway, therefore don't have to think about cooking anything).


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