The Great Outdoors

The fact is, my kids are outdoors kids. Being cooped up inside when it is too hot equals a day of complaining, 'that noise', and awful behaviour. Actually, chilling out is not really in Ryley's vocabulary, unless he is really tired, or sick, or a bit overwhelmed. So, I decided to do something about it, and do some things that I normally wouldn't do without David with me. We went camping. Yes, you read right. Camping. As in, the great outdoors, a tent, sleeping bags and PEG feeds. And we had an awesome time!!! It did help that we were camping in our best mates tent with her and her girls. It did help that we were at the beach and there was plenty of stuff to do. Despite the fact that Ryley didn't really sleep, and PEG feeding in the outdoors is not entirely straightforward, we managed it all quite well. So. We headed off again this week! We went over to South Australia (Penola region) to stay at a friends house. It was great, but the kids didn...