And here we go again

Welcome to 2013 my friends.
Blog decision: Keep writing.

It took me a while to come to this decision to be honest. At one stage I felt as though I had nothing interesting to write about anymore.
But this year is different.
Last year was about recovery for us (which a rare few will understand fully what I mean by that), but this year is about healing, heart, love and spirit.
What do I mean?
Have I become a weird mystical hippy?
But I feel very strongly about my direction this year.
It will start to filter through in my writing.

Source: via Anna on Pinterest

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas/New Year season. Ours was filled with the smiles and laughter of our boys as they unwrapped their presents and the joy as they played with the things they had received!
There is a wonderful tradition in our part of town where the local CFA (Country Fire Authority) drive around the streets with Santa in the firetruck throwing out lollies to the kids! Not only is it something the kids look forward to, but it is also a wonderful opportunity to wish all our neighbours a happy christmas!

We spent a few days up at the farm which were just fantastic! We had visits from our friends and family who we hadn't seen in a long time.

I am looking forward to an exciting year, despite the sameness of some things...!!


  1. I hope that this is a wonderful year for your family.

    1. Thankyou Melissa. I hope that 2013 is a fantastic year for you all too xo

  2. I am so glad that you've decided to continue writing and hope to learn more about your family and share with you common experience! I especially love your determination here, and the Dogen quote is perfect --

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I love that quote too. It may be the quote I turn back to this year when I need some strength to keep going!

  3. I am thankful that you have decided to continue to blog! I enjoying reading about your journey.

    Happy New Year!


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