The power of prayer

My brother Jacob is right now in an Intensive Care Unit in Latvia fighting for his life. Without details, for now, he is in a critical condition.
This is his journey and I believe he will come through this.
But please, if you believe in the power of pray, I ask that you pray for him right now.
If you believe in positive thoughts, I ask that you send them.
If you believe in the healing light and energy, I ask that you send it.

And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love, and the greatest of these is Love.


  1. Jacob is constantly in my thoughts Anna.
    Sending much love and light his way. xx

  2. I am sorry to hear this, Anna. I will send my prayers to you and to him.

  3. Had hoped to hear better news by now. Let life prevail.

  4. Praying for your brother Anna.

  5. Thinking of Jacob and all your family, Anna. I hope you get some good news soon.

  6. Thank you everyone. He is hanging on and fighting hard. Really appreciate the prays and thoughts xxx


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